Whiteface Mountain

Quick dash to the Dax

Friday night I threw some gear in the back of the Subi and set off for Keene Valley, NY; the heart of the Adirondack High Peaks Region. With no plans, other than to wake up and make some sunrise photos at Chapel Pond, I relaxed and enjoyed the 7 hour drive up to the Dax, arriving around 11pm. Through a thick snowfall, I pulled into the parking lot at the Indian Head Trailhead, cracked the sunroof, and crawled into my -20° bag for an incredibly comfortable sleep. I woke to an overcast and snowy morning around 7am. The rest of the day was mostly overcast with sporadic and brief periods when the sun would punch down, through the thick clouds, and spotlight a gorgeous scene before dimming back out of sight again.

1/500 sec at f/1.7, ISO 1250, 28mm, Leica Q2

I could not pass by this little Post Office without stopping for a few photos. Simple. Small-town. Americana.

1/500 sec at f/2.5, ISO 100, 28mm, Leica Q2

Chapel Pond

1/500 sec at f/16, ISO 3200, 28mm, Leica Q2

1/500 sec at f/2.5, ISO 100, 28mm, Leica Q2

1/500 sec at f/4.5, ISO 100, 28mm, Leica Q2

Whiteface Mountain

1/500 sec at f/7.1, ISO 500, 28mm, Leica Q2

Whiteface Mountain

1/500 sec at f/5.6, ISO 100, 28mm, Leica Q2

1/500 sec at f/5.6, ISO 100, 28mm, Leica Q2

1/500 sec at f/3.2, ISO 100, 28mm, Leica Q2