

One thing that keeps me sane and gives me a lot of enjoyment is creating. It could be anything: creating a dish, creating a video, a poem, a friendship… creating an adventure. Creativity makes life interesting and in my opinion, keeps it fulfilling. You grow when you create and when others appreciate what you create; they grow as well. Just pop over to Instagram or Pinterest for some serious growth opportunity!

Sometimes I get a little bummed out if it’s been a while and I’ve been stuck in a creative rut. When this happens I break out the phone and start shooting whatever is around me. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: iMovie (On everyone’s iPhone) is an amazing little application that is both incredibly underrated and underutilized. Anyone can use it; it’s simple. Below are a few examples of short, fun sequences I’ve put together using only my iPhone. Give it a try sometime. You’ll thank me later!

Golden hour... in the skies.


A rainy day at the office.