The office

Glad I had my asbestos mask and tripod with me for these images. The first image looking out the window, is an HDR (High Dynamic Range) image compiled of five layered exposures. To do this, the scene is first properly exposed and captured. Next, the same scene is captured four more times, under and over exposing from -2 to +2 stops. Lastly, the images are stacked, aligned with each other, and processed. By using this technique I’m able to overexpose the scene to capture details in the shadows that the eye isn’t able detect, as well as underexpose the scene for those details in the highlights that are normally blown out (Tree branches against the sky). When the stacked files are carefully edited, the HDR image produced can have quite a surreal look.

HDR image.

30 seconds, at f/16, ISO 50, 14mm, Sony A7R IV

3.2 sec at f/9, ISO 50, 14mm, Sony A7R IV