Mountain Biking


Got out bright and early this morning for a short but oh, so satisfying ride at Nockamixon. Sadly this was my first ride of the rapidly diminishing summer. On a brighter note; I got to ride today! I’m pretty out of shape so I just took my time, taking in the sights & sounds at an easy pace. The early morning sun cast long shadows down the dusty trails. It was picturesque to say the least. I really enjoyed myself. Couple of iPhone photos below from this morning’s ride.


Got out and hit the dirt for a sweet ride the other evening. I intended to make a full riding video from the clips I was taking but after a while of setting up cameras and capturing footage, I realized that I just really needed to ride and save the idea of making a real riding video for another day. The conditions were perfect. Dusty, dry, single track, cool temps, bright sunlight… it was amazing and I was reminded of just how much I love mountain biking. Below are 52 seconds of my day.

Independence Day 2020

Happy 4th of July folks. I hope you’re all celebrating our nation’s 244th birthday with great pride. Despite some of our recent, less than stellar actions as a nation, I will forever love our country. I’ve been all over the world; broke bread with strangers in foreign countries, experienced their cultures and observed their policies, yet no country will ever compare to ours. We are free. Truly free. Do not take it for granted.

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything on the ol’ bloggy-blog. Time for an update eh? Generally speaking all is well. I’ve adapted to pandemic life (What were my options again?) and last week was my first week back in the office since March 13th (A Friday, which I find apropos by the way). Upper Management is bringing the rest of our folks back into the office this week, as safely as possible, and there are quite a few changes that have been well thought out. I feel perfectly comfortable being there; I’m looking out for number one and remain diligent with safe practices.

I’ve been on a real health kick lately, riding road and dirt and changing up my diet for the better. It feels good. I feel good. I’ve dropped about 20lbs in the last few weeks. Now its time to add in some muscle. It’s been great to be back in the saddle enjoying the trails but It’s just not as fun when you haven’t got the stamina to ride as long as you’d like, nor the strength to ride as fast as you’d like. It’s coming though. Baby steps.

I haven’t been making videos lately and that’s due mainly to the restrictions on travel we’ve all been experiencing. Well, that and work being busier than ever. But I did get out on the trails today and made a short video using my phone, just for funsies. Nothing special, just fun. I’ll never get over how easy it is to make a short video right on your iPhone. The below video was shot, edited and published to the web, entirely with the iPhone - so cool.