
Adirondack Landscapes

Lakes in the Dax seem to dry right up during the winter months. The dead stump, out of which blueberry bushes and a young tree have sprouted, is usually underwater during the summer months. I was able to walk right out to this stump, Moses-style. Similarly, the sand bar from which I shot the bottom image is usually underwater.

1/250 sec at f/8.0, ISO 100, 14mm Sony A7C

1/60 sec at f/11, ISO 100, 14mm, Sony A7C

Nature photography

I’ve got a pretty great set up in my backyard for capturing shots of the seasonal birds who have been dining at uplandphoto Headquarters. I’ve always enjoyed watching the birds and even the squirrels who raid the feeder on a regular basis. All are welcome. Below are a few shots of a white breasted nuthatch, red-bellied woodpecker and house finch.

All images were shot at 1/1000 sec at f/6.7, ISO 6400.

Photo mash

Thought I would post up a few images taken over the last couple of weeks. Typically, when I go out shooting, I try to post only my best one or two images from the day. Sometimes it’s hard to decide which images to post. These ones didn’t make the cut originally, but still have some redeeming qualities, so I thought I’d share them. Let’s call them a photo mash.

Berries on a wire

I decided to challenge myself to post one photo every day. Starting today. This is it. Here we go. Today I’m posting up these two images which I’m going to give my sister credit for naming: Berries on a wire.

The goal here is to get my creative juices flowing again. I feel like the wheels of this creative wagon have been stuck in a muddy rut for ages. Completely jammed up. No movement. Just rotting away.

Time to bust loose.

1/1400 sec at f/2.0, ISO 640, 23mm, Fujifilm X100v

1/680 sec at f/2.0, ISO 640, 23mm, Fujifilm X100v


Got out bright and early this morning for a short but oh, so satisfying ride at Nockamixon. Sadly this was my first ride of the rapidly diminishing summer. On a brighter note; I got to ride today! I’m pretty out of shape so I just took my time, taking in the sights & sounds at an easy pace. The early morning sun cast long shadows down the dusty trails. It was picturesque to say the least. I really enjoyed myself. Couple of iPhone photos below from this morning’s ride.


Looping the Loop Three

1/80 Sec at f/5.6, ISO 2500, 35mm using Fujifilm GFX 50sII

Looping the Loop Two

1/60 Sec at f/4.5, ISO 2000, 35mm using Fujifilm GFX 50sII

Looping the Loop One

1/125 Sec at f/4.5, ISO 2500, 35mm using Fujifilm GFX 50sII


1/17 Sec at f/5.0, ISO 500, 43.3mm using Fujifilm GFX 50sII


This past weekend I was lucky enough to spend a couple of nights in the Lake Placid area of the Adirondacks. A trip to the top of Whiteface Mountain yielded some decent photos but now I am really longing to go back for some sunrise images from this mountain top. It was a gorgeous weekend up in the ‘Dax though, and the leaves have already started to change.

35mm, 1/640 second @ f/8, ISO 250

Around the campfire, I tried my hand at astrophotography as well. My exposures were a little too long and so the stars are not crisp and sharp in the image, but I think that the vibe relates to the viewer well enough. Pass the marshmallows.

16mm, 20 seconds @ f/4, ISO 250

The Mountain Man

A few years ago, my father handed me this poem that I’d written back in 1995 for my 10th grade English class. I’d completely forgotten about it. I get a kick out of the lines that my 16 year old self had painstakingly typed, using my sister Peggy’s fancy word processor. It doesn’t quite have a steady rhythm to it, and I think I could have done a lot better if I’d taken my time (As with all of my homework assignments back then). But I do remember being excited about the assignment and wanting Mrs. Adams to read this masterpiece to the classroom aloud. Anonymously of course… but I wanted her to read it!

Today I thought I’d take another go at the assignment. I mean, sure I got an 89% on this piece but I thought I could do better. Here’s how the 2020 version of this piece reads. Revision B if you will:

I’m setting out into the North,
to live among the wild,
Where nature’s pure tranquility,
shall never be defiled.

No hatred lives within those woods,
and home for me will be,
Hewn from log and shaped from stone,
to stand so solemnly.

There I’ll live in peace so free
where anger has no place,
Along the wooded sunlit slope
of a mountain’s western face.

I’ll watch the evening light retreat
as plum and rose skies fade,
within the comfort of my home,
my own two hands had made.

The moon above will light the sky
and though my eyes will close,
I’ll see in dreams my dearest friends
who give my heart repose.

I’ll join the ranks of men alike
who’ve soothed their troubled minds,
And be another Mountain Man
who slept beneath the pines.