Filter fun

This morning I passed by Weaver’s Ice Cream Shop just outside of Williamsport, PA and had to double back for a few quick snowy snapshots. The image below was shot using the Fujifilm X100f’s built in MINIATURE filter, found in the Advanced tab within the Drive menu. This is a pretty gimmicky attempt at the type of image produced using a tilt shift lens and I find the linear blurring north and south of the image centerline to be quite limiting. Nevertheless, it’s fun to play with the filters, which are one of Fujifilm’s selling points. I love the built in film simulations and the ability to enter your own custom “recipes” to emulate the filmic look of your preference. It’s really making photography fun for me again.

Weaver’s Ice Cream & Pizza. 16635 US-15, Allenwood, PA 17810