The Journey Begins

This is it. D-Day. My 46er Journey starts in just a few hours. The ol’ Samsquanch is packed and I’m ready to start the 6-hour drive north to the Adirondacks. I cannot wait! With hiking in an alpine environment comes the added risk associated with extreme temperatures and deep snow & ice. Rock cairns that mark the summit approach on Algonquin will be buried and painted trail markers on the rock face will be covered in ice. Summiting Algonquin and Wright Peak will expose us to strong winds and sub-zero temperatures. All of which, only makes the adventure more exciting to me. I’m not hiking Everest here, but the danger is real and being prepared is absolutely critical to having a safe adventure in the winter wild. Safe hiking and being prepared for emergency situations will ensure a good time for us. Below is the checklist I created to ensure I’m prepared for what may lay ahead.

Stay tuned for some photos & videos from this hike!