The Pandemic

Well, I really didn’t want to post about this pandemic that we are all fighting through. It’s just a big downer. But this pandemic is a big deal. It has upturned so many lives. Changed them. Taken them. It’s changed how we interact now, and how we’ll interact in the future. I am grateful to have a job that is somewhat insulated from the effects of the pandemic. I have been working remotely since mid-March and do not take it for granted; I’m one of the lucky ones. It is not the same for others. Small business owners and those living paycheck to paycheck, supporting their families are getting hit the hardest and they remain in my thoughts. Now is the time to be especially kind. Show compassion for others out there. As cliché as it sounds; we really are all in this together. Be smart. Wear your masks. Wash your hands. And for goodness sake, love each other.