

What a week. I flew to Germany on Monday and was back home on Thursday evening. I took my X100v with me in hopes of roaming the Christmas Market in Hannover and capturing some European holiday street scenes, but the weather during my very short stay did not cooperate. It was cold, grey and drizzly the entire duration of my visit. I did, however take a few snaps in the airports on my way across the pond and back. I am really loving the film simulations built into this Fujifilm camera! The below images were shot using either the Classic Neg or Classic Chrome simulations. I’m extremely happy with the results!

Exhausted, a member of the Lufthansa Flight Crew joins the rest of us on the bus after a long 7 hours flight from Philadelphia to Frankfurt.

Empty Seats in the downstairs gates at the Hannover Airport.

Aircraft being fueled and loaded for their flights at the Frankfurt Airport.

A Lufthansa Airbus moves past the end of Frankfurt’s Terminal C like a shark circling a reef.