Leica Sofort

Leica's Instant Camera

I used to travel to Munich, Germany on a regular basis and spent a lot of time waiting for connecting flights in the Frankfurt International Airport. I always looked forward to ogling the Leica cameras in the electronic boutiques and on a whim, picked up their version of today’s instant camera; the Leica Sofort. Despite it’s hefty price tag, I never regretted the purchase because I’ve enjoyed using this camera for the last 6 years. Below are just a few images that I took while on a trip in Japan. The images below are a few of my favorites, though a complete gallery of snapshots can be found here.

These days I use this camera, primarily, to take photos of my son. I like the idea that he may be one of very few people who will have actual chemical-photography photographs of his childhood. They’re different, unique and special; just like him.

Nagasaki, Japan

Bridge in Kobe, Japan

A Shinkansen train