
Terminal Concourse Building

This morning, I spent a little time in the Callowhill area of Philadelphia, at the Rail Park, before the rain got too heavy. I’m not overly-jazzed about this image though I do really like this building and look forward to going back under better lighting conditions. This was shot with my Leica MP240 using a 28mm pancake lens. The trade off for the super tiny size of this lens, is the lack of detail in the corners of the frame. The transition from sharp to soft is, unfortunately, quite pronounced.

Philly architecture

It has been a long time since I’ve pointed my camera at so many buildings. Today’s on-and-off rain and low cloud cover provided some great naturally diffused light and beautiful soft shadows. I had a great time down in Philly and am happy with the images I made today. So many interesting patterns and textures. I remain amazed at the crisp goodness coming out of the Fujifilm X100V. The fixed 23mm lens (35mm full frame equivalent) is incredible. Tack sharp!

1/60 sec at f/10, ISO 640, 23mm

1/170 sec at f/8.0, ISO 160, 23mm

1/180 sec at f/3.6, ISO 160, 23mm