Rausch Creek Offroad Park

Episode 1

It’s been a long time since I put out a wheeling video. I’m relatively happy with this one, however I’m still working on my game. I really need to plan out my story line before I start capturing footage. What I’m talking about is the need for each video to have three intentional parts: 1) a beginning, 2) a middle/challenge and 3) an ending/resolution. This keeps the viewer’s attention and is just more satisfying. Interesting perspectives, camera angles and B-roll sequences make the film even better, but if you haven’t got a basic story line, the video doesn’t really go anywhere and just ends up being a series of unrelated clips. I’m gettin’ there. Another thing that I really need to do is to start using my DSLR. I have an amazing Sony A7 III that I use primarily for stills. This camera performs exceptionally for film making and I just need to start using it. GoPros are great; they’re handy, simple, easy to use and can be mounted virtually anywhere, but their fixed focal lengths don’t allow for creative control and filming at shallow depths of field with that nice buttery bokeh.

Nevertheless; I give you my most recent wheeling video. And with it comes my venture into episodic pieces on my YouTube channel. Although this isn’t my first video, I’m calling it Episode 1 and hopefully there will be many more to follow. Enjoy!

Squanchin' at Rausch Creek

I hadn’t realized how long it’d been since I put rubber to rock at at the Rausch Creek Offroad Park. I’d wheeled there once, last summer and the Black trails sure beat the snot out of me! I was also pushing my luck wheeling those trails with my roof top tent perched above. Pretty sketchy. During the winter months I remove the tent to save it from the harsh road salt. So, this time, with the tent off, I was feeling pretty confident! Although we stuck to the less difficult Blue trails, we still had an epic day crawling through the woods! My buddy John hadn’t been there before, so I was excited for him to see it as well. I think he had a great time and was loving the trails. Conditions were perfect; trails were a bit sloppy but the sun was out and the temperature was mild. We pushed ourselves a bit. Took chances. Even had to winch out at one point. But, that’s what’s so exciting about off roading. It’s a great feeling using techniques you’ve learned to get over/through/around those hairy sections of trail. I really love the thrill of the challenge when you have to put your experience and equipment to the test. When you’re forced out of your comfort zone and you have to push yourself and your rig past familiar limits. It’s such a rush and reward! Enjoy the video!