water tower

Plattsburgh Water Tower

Work takes me to Plattsburgh, NY this week. Leaving dinner around 8:30 this evening, I saw this water tower and thought I’d try to make an interesting photo with the last couple of minutes of blue hour (I have a thing for water towers and power lines). While there was hardly any light where I stood at the base of the tower, the top was caught in the transition from the last few rays of setting sun to ambient street light. Pushing the ISO to 4,000, I’m still pleased with the clarity of the image. The Leica Q2 never disappoints.

1/50 sec at f/1.7, ISO 4000, 28mm, Leica Q2

Water Tower

I’ve often considered working on a water tower series. I ought to do it. I find their stance, shape, and vintage signage so photogenic. It seems most of them are quite old; their paint bleached by the sun. The one in my images below, is no longer in use and has developed some great colors through it’s decay. The underbelly of that tank specifically. To me, those interesting colors are part of the allure of the urban decay genre, and why I enjoy shooting it so much. I like the thought that these complimentary colors, tones, and textures developed organically, so very slowly over time. Perhaps, just waiting for me to come along this afternoon and freeze the scene.

1/500 sec at f/5.0, ISO 100, 28mm, Leica Q2

1/500 sec at f/5.0, ISO 100, 28mm, Leica Q2

1/800 sec at f/5.6, ISO 100, 28mm, Leica Q2