
Again, I find myself enjoying the reward of taking my camera everywhere I go. Today, while traveling for work near Binghamton, NY, I came up behind this rider on the road. I thought it was so cool that he had an entire wheel strapped to his back… with a tow strap no less! So impressed was I, that I followed him in to a gas station to make his portrait. This is my kind of guy; doing the sort of thing that I would do. He had changed the tire on his buddy’s bike and needed to use the air station to fill it.

Making portraits is something I’ve never felt comfortable doing. It takes courage to ask someone if you can make their portrait and there is a high chance of rejection in doing so. I’m so grateful that I had the courage to ask this guy, because this is now perhaps one of my personal favorite images of all that I have made over the years.

1/1250 sec at f/2.0, ISO 100, 28mm, Leica Q2