Lake Placid


This past weekend I was lucky enough to spend a couple of nights in the Lake Placid area of the Adirondacks. A trip to the top of Whiteface Mountain yielded some decent photos but now I am really longing to go back for some sunrise images from this mountain top. It was a gorgeous weekend up in the ‘Dax though, and the leaves have already started to change.

35mm, 1/640 second @ f/8, ISO 250

Around the campfire, I tried my hand at astrophotography as well. My exposures were a little too long and so the stars are not crisp and sharp in the image, but I think that the vibe relates to the viewer well enough. Pass the marshmallows.

16mm, 20 seconds @ f/4, ISO 250

Overnight in Lake Placid

I’m attributing this trip to the Luck o’ the Irish! When I was asked to visit a facility in the mountainous playground they call the Adirondacks, I was only too happy to comply. Yes please! It’s not every day you get sent to the mountains on business. So, I loaded up the Wrangler and pointed her north. The drive from Philly, up through NY was fantastic. My hotel for the night was my rooftop tent. Just another day in the office.